A circle coming together. An oblique image that moves like unceasing air, amidst your body’s contours. YUAN is the inspiration for it: a pilates studio based in Melbourne with rounded shapes as a premise for wellness. For everything in life comes and goes, and comes again in diverse structures, so should our bodies be, flexible to change and energy.

Not your typical.
L1/1010 High Street, Armadale
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From private sessions to small group sessions, YUAN Pilates adapts to the flow and energy of diverse necessities: no matter the age, no matter the initial level. Every aspect of you will end up coming together in a perfect circle of wellness. We’ll take the time needed to get to know you, envisioning a unique journey.
A lifestyle alignment that aims to go beyond the physical: workshops made to be remembered. Working with knowledgeable masters, specialised in diverse disciplines, we’ll create a full circle of wellness for you. Candle makers, chefs, florists: the latest tendencies in feeling at your best.
A collaboration that eases from start to end; from origin to reason. YUAN Pilates provides exclusive discounts to clients in its work with international and local brands. The studio is always opened to new projects at hello@yuanpilates.com.au.

What is YUAN?